There is a stark difference between how we measured career success at the outset of our careers versus the way we measure it today. Moreover, success is one’s career can be different things to different people. You should always aim to define this for yourself regardless of what your environment or peer group may choose to define this for themselves.
People who experience meaningful career success recognize that money and titles are just one piece of the overall puzzle. There are a lot more ‘real’ considerations that come into play that are in fact as or more important than a fancy designation or a lucrative salary package.
If you have been mulling over how successful your career has been, here are questions that could be a good starting point:
– What was important to you in your early career and continues to stay important even now? –
– What has changed over time?
– What do you see as the typical criteria of a successful career?
– Does your current job role meet your career success criteria?
– Does your current career path feel true to who you are and what’s most important to you?
Once you have answered these questions honestly, you will be in a better position to chase your career goals and draw out actionable plans to meet them.
Some simple ways to experience more career success:
1. You firstly need to define what ‘Career success’ means for you (Work from the place of SOUL and not EGO)
2. Resist the tendency of tying your definition of SUCCESS to any form of conformity or external validation
3. Keep re-aligning your career goals to your deeper passion and purpose
4. Have an ‘ownership’ mindset about your career and stop playing the ‘victim’ card
5. Root for yourself and be your own Cheerleader!
And while you navigate through your career, opting to work with a career coach can help you crystallize your goals, break through comfort zones and pre-conceived beliefs and help ensure you stay committed and accountable for the career you deserve. Do reach out to me if you are ready for this investment in your future.
#careermanagement #careersuccess #thenandnow #foodforthought